News & Highlights
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Nan, Lin, TANG, CHAO and Ye Minlei. "Auditing with a Chance of Whistleblowing." Management Science, Forthcoming.
Sam Bonsall, John Donovan, Eric Holzman, Xue Wang and YANG, DANIEL. “Do Credit Ratings Reflect Private Information about SEC Investigations?” The Accounting Review, Forthcoming.
Cen, Xiao, Li, Nan, TANG, CHAO and Wang Juanting. “Preference Dynamics and Risk-Taking Incentives" Journal of Accounting & Economics, Forthcoming.
CHEN, PETER F, Hou, Qingchuan, Wang, Yihong and Xu, Lifang. "The Underwriter's Conflict of Interest and Earnings Forecast Bias in Prospectus: Evidence from Hong Kong." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal , Vol. 87, Vol. 87, October 2024, 102481.
HUNG, MINGYI, Lin, Yupeng, Wang, Lynn and Zhang Zilong. “The Impact of Bank Financing on Borrowers’ Voluntary Disclosures and Real Investments" Management Science, Forthcoming.
Selected by a five-member independent selection committee, Dr. Kelvin Mak, Senior Lecturer, has been named the recipient of the Dean’s Faculty Service Award for year 2022.
HUANG, ALLEN, Hui, Kai Wai and ZHENG YUE." Judge Ideology and Opportunistic Insider Trading." Journal of Financial land Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming.
Bhambhwani, Sidd and HUANG, ALLEN. "Auditing Decentralized Finance." British Accounting Review, Vol. 56, Issue 2, March 2024, 101270.
Franke, Benedikt, HUANG, ALLEN, Li, Reeyarn and Wang Hui. "Securities Law Precedents, Litigation Risk, and Misreporting." Review of Finance, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2024, pp. 413-445.
Bhambhwani, Sidd, Dong, Hui and HUANG, ALLEN. "Expropriation Risk and Investment: A Natural Experiment." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Forthcoming.

Prof. Qingkai DONG joined the Department of Accounting on 3 July 2023

Prof. Yang Ha CHO joined the Department of Accounting on 3 July 2023

Prof. Jun OH joined the Department of Accounting on 3 July 2023

Congratulations to Prof. Allen HUANG promoted to Professor on 1 July 2023
Dou, Yiwei, HUNG, MINGYI, She Gyoman, and Wang, Lynn. “Learning from Peers: Evidence from Disclosure of Consumer Complaints.” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 101620.
Bloomfield, Matthew, Friedman, Henry and KIM, HWA YOUNG. "Common Ownership, Executive Compensation, and Product Market Competition." The Accounting Review, 99, (2): 31-56.
Nan, Lin, TANG, CHAO, Wang, Xin, and Zhang, Gaoqing. "The Real Effects of Transparency in Crowdfunding." Contemporary Accounting Research, Forthcoming.
DONG, QINGKAI, Raghunandan, Aneesh and Rajgopal. “When Do Firms Deliver on the Jobs They Promise in Return for State Aid?” Review of Accounting Studies, Forthcoming.
HUANG, ALLEN, Kraft, Pepa and WANG, SHIHENG. .“The Usefulness of Credit Ratings for Accounting Fraud Prediction.” The Accounting Review (2023), 98 (7): 347-376.
Arif, Salman, Donovan, John, Gopalan, Yadav and MORRIS, ARTHUR and “Pay for Prudence" Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 77, Issue 1, February 2024, 101619.
Congratulations to Prof. Charles HSU for the paper at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
HSU, CHARLES, Li, Xi, Ma, Zhiming and Philips, Gordon "Does Industry Competition Influence Analyst-level Coverage Decisions and Career Outcomes?" Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 58, No. 2, Mar, 2023, pp. 711-745.
Xu, Jiang, TANG, CHAO and Zhang, Gaoqing. "Harmonized Accounting Standards and Investment Beauty Contests." The Accounting Review (2023) 98 (7): 377-404.
Founded by academics from Asia, North America and Europe, ABFER is an independent research organization based in Singapore. Aiming to promote Asia-Pacific oriented financial and economic research at local and international levels, ABFER connects prominent academic researchers, practitioners and public policy makers around the globe to enhance the research capabilities and development of strong clusters of finance and economics research groups in academic and other institutions in Asia-Pacific.
Taking up this new role, Prof. Hung will develop stronger ties with leading universities and research institutions in Asia, thus steering towards advancing finance and economics research capacities and agendas.
Chen, Yi-Chun, HUNG, MINGYI and Wang, Lynn. "Do Depositors Respond to Banks' Social Performance?" The Accounting Review , (2023), 98, (4): 89-114.
HUANG, ALLEN, Wang, Hui and Yang, Yi. "FinBERT—A Large Language Model for Extracting Information from Financial Text." Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 40, Issue 2, Summer 2023.
Fauver, Larry, HUNG, MINGYI, Taboada, Alvaro G and WANG, EMILY JING. "Boardroom Gender Diversity Reforms and Institutional Monitoring: Global Evidence." Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 29, Issue 1, No. 18, 621-664.
CHEN, WILBUR and Suraj, Srinivasan. "Going Digital: Implications for Firm Value and Performance." Review of Accounting Studies, Forthcoming.
Christensen, Dane, MORRIS, ARTHUR, Walther, Beverly and Wellman, Laura. "Political Information Flow and Management Guidance." Review of Accounting Studies 2023, 1466-1499.
HUANG, ALLEN, Shen, Jianghua and ZANG, Amy. "The Unintended Benefit of the Risk Factor Mandate of 2005" Review of Accounting Studies 2022, 1319-1355 April 2022.
PETROV, EVGENY and Stocken, Philip C. "Auditor Specialization and Information Spillovers." The Accounting Review 2022, 97, (7), 401-428
Chen, Yi-Chun, CHEN, TAI-YUAN and HUNG, MINGYI. (2022) “Uneven Regulatory Playing Field and Bank Transparency Abroad” Journal of International Business Studies 53, 379-404.
CHEN, KEVIN, CHEN, TAI-YUAN, Han, Weifang and Yuan, Hongqi. “Auditors under Fire: The Association between Audit Errors and the Career Setbacks of Individual Auditors.” Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 853-900.
Chang, Hsihui, HSU, CHARLES and Ma, Zhiming. (2022) "Does Product Similarity of Audit Clients Influence Audit Efficiency and Pricing Decisions?" Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2022, 49, 807-840.
HSU, CHARLES, Wang, Rencheng and Whipple, Benjamin. (2022) “Non-GAAP Earnings and Stock Price Crash Risk " Journal of Accounting and Economics, 73, Issues 2-3, April-May, 101473.
HUANG, ALLEN, Lin, An-Ping and ZANG, AMY. (2022) "Cross-Industry Information Sharing among Colleagues and Analyst Research." Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 74, August 2022, 101496.
HUNG, MINGYI and WANG, SHIHENG. (2021) "Market Power and Credit Rating Standards: Global Evidence." Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2021, 101474.

Prof. Daniel YANG joined the Department of Accounting on 9 July 2022

Prof. Wilbur CHEN joined the Department of Accounting on 2 July 2022
Christensen, Hans Bonde, Macciocchi, Daniele, MORRIS, ARTHUR and Nikolaev Valeri V. "Financial Shocks to Lenders and the Composition of Financial Covenants." Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 73, Issue 1, Feb 2022, 101426.
Kimbrough, Michael, Lee, Hanna and ZHENG, YUE. "Can Managers be Wrong and Still be Right? An Examination of the Future Realization of Current Management Forecast Errors" The Accounting Review V. 96 (1), January 2021, p. 349-376.
HSU, CHARLES and Wang, Rencheng. "Bundled Earnings Guidance and Analysts' Forecast Revisions" Contemporary Accounting Research, 2021, 30(4), 3146-3181.
HSU, CHARLES, Jin, Qinglu, Ma, Zhiming and Zhou, Jing. "Does Voluntary Balance Sheet Disclosure Mitigate Post-earnings-announcement Drift" Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2021, 40(2), 106821.
Ang, James, HSU, CHARLES, Tang, Di and Wu, Chaopeng. "The Role of Social Media in Corporate Governance" The Accounting Review, 2021, 96(2), 1-32
CHEN, TAIYUAN, CHEN, ZHIHONG and Li Yongbo, "Restriction on Managerial Outside Job Opportunities and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, August 2021, 106879.

Dr. Steven CHEUNG joined the Department of Accounting on 2 July 2021

Congratulations to Prof. Haifeng YOU promoted to Professor on 1 July 2021
Edmans, Alex, Fang, Vivian and HUANG, ALLEN. (2021) "The Long-Term Consequence of Short-Term Incentives." Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 60, Issue 3, 1007-1046.
In the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (UGC), HKUST Business School takes on the No.1 overall standing in Business & Economics Panel, as “World Leading” and “Internationally Excellent” among all HK universities.
Hou, Kewei, Hsu, Po-Hsuan, WANG, SHIHENG, Watanabe, Akiko and Xu Yan. "Corporate R&D and Stock Returns: International Evidence" Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, April 2021, p. 1-72

Congratulations to Dr. Kelvin P. MAK has been appointed as a committee member of Qualification and Examinations Board (“QEB”) of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Dr. Kelvin P. MAK has been appointed as a committee member of Qualification and Examinations Board (“QEB”) of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) for one year, beginning January 2021. The QEB is one of the statutory boards of the HKICPA. As an advisory board, the QEB is delegated with the authority to conduct and control the professional examinations of the HKICPA and approve the appointment and remuneration of examiners.