
The 2023 HKUST Accounting Research Symposium


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Call for Papers and Participants 2023 


December 14 -15, 2023, HKUST


The 2023 HKUST Accounting Research Symposium invites the submission of unpublished manuscripts in all areas of accounting research. The Symposium welcomes the participation of accounting scholars for two days of presentations and discussions. It will be held during December 14 - 15, 2023 on the HKUST campus.



The Symposium welcomes manuscripts in all current areas of research in accounting. Manuscripts should be well developed, but at a stage where they can still benefit from the group’s discussion. The Symposium will include no more than ten papers. A travel subsidy of US$1,000 per paper will be provided to overseas presenters.



The deadline for manuscript submission is September 15, 2023. Please submit an electronic copy including a one-page abstract (MS Word or PDF only) to:

Accepted papers and the Symposium program will be made available on the Symposium website at: here

Note: Presentation of a paper is not required for participating in the Symposium.



To register as a participant, please complete the registration form and email it to or fax it to (852) 2358-1693 by November 15, 2023. The form can be downloaded from here.

The registration fee for the Symposium is US$300, which includes the welcoming reception, luncheons and a Symposium banquet.

Late registration for participation will be considered until all seats are filled.




Postal: HKUST Accounting Research Symposium
Department of Accounting
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Fax: (852) 2358-1693