Associate Professor
Shiheng WANG
Associate Professor MPhil/PhD Programs Coordinator
Shiheng WANG


  • PhD 2008 Queen's University, Canada
  • MA 2002 Queen's University, Canada
  • BA 1998 Fudan University, China


  • Associate Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 2015 - present
  • Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 2008 –  June 2015
  • Instructor, Queen's University, 2006 - 2007
  • Auditor, KPMG, Ernst & Young, 1998 – 2001


  • "The Usefulness of Credit Ratings for Accounting Fraud Prediction" The Accounting Review, (2023) 98 (7): 347-376. (with Allen Huang and Pepa Kraft)
  • "Market Power and Credit Rating Standards: Global Evidence" Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022, 101474 (with Ming Yi Hung, Pepa Kraft and Gwen Yu)
  • “Corporate R&D and Stock Returns: International Evidence” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 8 April 2021 p. 1-72. (with Kewei Hou, Po-Hsuan Hsu, Akiko Watanabe and Yan Xu)
  • "Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift in Global Markets: Evidence from an Information Shock” The Review of Financial Studies 28(2015), pp 1242-1283. (With Mingyi Hung and Xi Li) 
  • "The Effects of Financial Reporting on Bank Loan Contracting in Global Markets: Evidence from Mandatory IFRS Adoption" Journal of International Accounting Research 14 (2015), pp. 41-85. (with Tai-Yuan Chen, Chen Lung Chin, Ren-Yao Yao) 
  • "Analyst Following and Forecast Accuracy after Mandated IFRS Adoptions." Journal of Accounting Research 49 (2011), pp 1307-1357. (With Hongping Tan and Michael Welker) 
  • "Timing Equity Issuance in Response to Information Asymmetry Arising from IFRS Adoption in Australia and Europe." Journal of Accounting Research 49 (2011), pp 257-307. (with Michael Welker)


  • HKUST Best Ten Lecturers Award 2009, 2010, 2011 (was elected by undergraduate students at HKUST from a pool of more than 400 faculty members)
  • Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence 2009 (undergraduate), 2019 (MSC and MBA Elective)
  • Dean's Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, every year since 2008
  • American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow 2004
  • MCLEOD-D.I. Fellowship, Queen's University 2002-2006


  • PG Coordinator (PhD/MPhil) in Accounting Department, July 2020 - present