Associate Professor
Peter Fusheng CHEN
Associate Professor
Peter Fusheng CHEN


  • PhD 1998 University of Alberta
  • MA 1990 University of Alberta
  • B.Sc. 1985 Beijing Agricultural University


  • Associate Professor of Accounting, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), July 2005 - present
  • Assistant Professor of Accounting, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 1998-June 2005


  • "The Underwriter's Conflict of Interest and Earnings Forecast Bias in Prospectus: Evidence from Hong Kong." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Vol. 87, October 2024, 102481.
  • "Regulatory effects on Analysts' conflicts of interest in corporate financing activities: Evidence from NASD Rule 2711." Journal of Corporate Finance (with Kirill Novoselov, Yihong Wang), V. 48, February 2018, pp. 658-679.
  • "The Information Role of Audit Opinions in Debt Contracting." (2016) Journal of Accounting and Economics, 61, pp. 121-144. (with Derrald Stice, Shaohua He and Zhiming Ma)
  • "Economic Freedom, Investment Flexibility, and Equity Value: A Cross-Country Study."  (Sept 2015). The Accounting Review, Vol. 90, No. 5, pp. 1839 - 1870. (with Chih-Ying Chen and Qinglu Jin)
  • "NASD Rule 2711 and Changes in Analysts' Independence in Making Stock Recommendations."). (2009).The Accounting Review, Vol 84, No. 4, 1041-1971. (with Chih-ying Chen).
  • "How Do Accounting Variables Explain Stock Price Movements? Theory and Evidence." (2007). Journal of Accounting and Economics 43, 219-244. (with Guochang Zhang).
  • "Segment Profitability, Misvaluation, and Corporate Divestment."  (2007), The Accounting Review, (January 2007), 1-26. (with Guochang Zhang).
  • "Heterogeneous Investment Opportunities in Multiple-Segment Firms and the Incremental Value Relevance of Segment Accounting Data." The Accounting Review, (2003), Vol. 8, Issue 2, 171-199. (with Guochang Zhang)
  • "When Capital Follows Profitability: Non-linear Residual Income Dynamics." Review of Accounting Studies, 6 (2001) , 229-265. (with Gary Biddle and Guochang Zhang)
  • "Layoffs, Shareholders' Wealth, and Corporate Performance." Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 8, Issue 2, (2001), 171-199, (with Vikas Mehrotra, Ranjini Sivakumar and Wayne W. Yu)
  • "Regulatory Capital, Tax, and Earnings Management Effects on Loan Loss Accruals in the Canadian Banking Industry", Contemporary Accounting Research, Volume 13 No.1, (1996) 91-128 (with Lane Daley)


  • American Accounting Association
  • Canadian Academic Accounting Association
  • 1995 American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow
  • Wei Lun Fellow, 1998-1999


  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University, November 2002.
  • Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, December, 2001.
  • Session Discussant, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, August, 2000.
  • Tsinghua University, December, 2000.
  • Tsinghua University, June, 1999.
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 1999.
  • CAAA Annual Meeting, June, 1998.


  • Ad hoc reviewer, Contemporary Accounting Research.
  • Co-coordinator, 2001 Summer Symposium on Accounting Research at HKUST. 


  •  "Profitability (ROE), Earnings and Book Value in Equity Valuation: A Geometric View and Empirical Evidence." 2004 Information, Markets, and Organizations (Harvard Business School), June 21-22. (with Guochang Zhang).
  • "The Roles of Earnings and Book Value in Equity Valuation: A Real-options Based Analysis" Collected Abstracts of American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2002 (with Guochang Zhang).
  • "When Capital follows Profitability: Non-linear Residual Income Dynamics", Collected Abstracts of the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2001, The Review of Accounting Studies Conference at Stanford University, 2000 (with Gary Biddle and Guochang Zhang).
  • "Heterogeneous Investment Opportunities and the Value Relevance of Segment Accounting Data" (with Guochang Zhang). 2001 Summer Symposium at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 
  • "The Usefulness of Segment Information in Predicting Divestitures." Collected Abstracts of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 1998.
  • "Regulatory Capital, Tax, and Earnings Management Effects on Loan Loss Accruals in the Canadian Banking Industry", The Tenth Contemporary Accounting Research Conference, (with Lane Daley)