Mingyi HUNG
Chair Professor Fung Term Professor of Accounting
Mingyi HUNG


  • Ph. D., 1998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Accounting
  • B.S.M., 1993 National Chiao Tung University, Management Science


  • 2020 August - Present 
    Head, Dept of Accounting
  • 2012 - Present 
    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Fung Term Professor of Accounting (2017-present)
    Chair Professor (2016-present), Professor (2012-2016)
  • 1999-2014
    University of Southern California, Arthur Anderson & Co. Alumni Associate Professor (2009-2012, on leave in 2006-2007 and 2012-2014), Associate Professor (2006-2009), Assistant Professor (1999-2006)
  • 2006-2007
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Associate Professor
  • 1998-1999
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lecturer


  • "Reshaping Corporate Boards through Mandatory Gender Diversity Disclosures: Evidence from Canada." Accepted for publication in Management Science. (with Jinshuai Hu and Siqi Li)
  • "Boardroom Gender Diversity Reforms and Institutional Monitoring: Global evidence."  (2024). Review of Accounting Studies Vol. 29, Issue 1, No. 18, 621-664. (with Larry Fauver, Alvaro Toboada, and Emily Wang)
  • "Learning from Peers: Evidence from Disclosure of Consumer Complaints." (2023) Journal of Accounting and Economics, 101620 (with Yiwei Dou, Guoman She and Lynn Wang)
  • "Do Depositors Respond to Banks' Social Performance?" (2023)The Accounting Review, 98, (4), 89-114. (with Yi-Chun Chen and Lynn Wang)
  • "Market Power and Credit Rating Standards: Global Evidence." (2022) Journal of Accounting and Economics, 101474 (with Pepa Kraft, Shiheng Wang and Gwen Yu)
  • "Uneven Regulatory Playing field and Bank Transparency Abroad." (2022) Journal of International Business Studies 53, 379-404. (with Tai-Yuan Chen and Yi-Chen)
  • “The Effect of Fair Value Accounting on the Performance Evaluation Role of Earnings.” (2020) Journal of Accounting and Economics, V. 70. (2-3), Nov-Dec 2020. (with Mark DeFond, Siqi Li, and Jinshuai Hu)
  • “Political connections and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from around the world." (2018) Journal of International Business Studies 49, 272-302 (with Yongtae Kim and Siqi Li)
  • "The effect of mandatory CSR disclosure on firm profitability and social externalities: Evidence from China" (2018) Journal of Accounting & Economics  (with Yi-Chun Chen and Yongxiang Wang)
  • "Board reforms and firm value: Worldwide evidence” (2017) Journal of Financial Economics 125, 120–142 (with Larry Fauver, Xi Li, and Alvaro Taboada)
  • "The use of debt covenants worldwide: Institutional determinants and implications on financial reporting." (2016) Contemporary Accounting Research 33, 644-681 (with Hyun Hong and Jieying Zhang.)
  • "Post-earnings-announcement drift in global markets: Evidence from an information shock." (2015) The Review of Financial Studies 28, 1242-1283 (with Xi Li and Shiheng Wang)
  • "Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect crash risk?" (2015) The Accounting Review 90, 265-299. (with Mark DeFond, Siqui Li and Yinghua Li)
  • "The value of political ties versus market credibility: Evidence from corporate scandals in China." (2015) Contemporary Accounting Research 32, 1641-1675 (with TJ Wong and Fang Zhang)
  • "The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on IPOs in global capital markets." (2014) The Accounting Review 89, 1365-1397 (with Hyun Hong and Gerald Lobo). 
  • "Corporate governance in the recent financial crisis: Evidence from financial institutions worldwide." (2012) Journal of Corporate Finance 18, 289-411. (with David Erkens and Pedro Matos).
  • "Political considerations in the decision of Chinese SOEs to list in Hong Kong." (2012). Journal of Accounting & Economics 53, 435-449 (with T.J. Wong and Tianyu Zhang).
  • "Has the widespread adoption of IFRS reduced US firms' attractiveness to foreign investors?" (2011) Journal of International Accounting Research 11, 27-55 (with Mark DeFond, Xuesong Hu and Siqi Li).
  • "Was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act good news for corporate bond holders?" (2011). Accounting Horizons 25, 465-485. (with Mark DeFond, Emre Karaoglu (Emre Carr), and Jieying Zhang).
  • "The impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on foreign mutual fund ownership: The role of comparability." (2011) . Journal of Accounting & Economics 51, 240-258 (with Mark DeFond, Xuesong Hu, and Siqi Li).
  • “Home bias, foreign mutual fund holdings, and the voluntary adoption of International Accounting Standards." (2007). Journal of Accounting Research 45, 41-70 (with Vicentiu Covrig and Mark DeFond).
  • "Investor protection and analysts' each flow forecasts around the world." (2007). Review of Accounting Studies 12, 377-419 (with Mark DeFond).
  • "Investor protection and the information content of annual earnings announcements: International evidence." (2007). Journal of Accounting & Economics 43, 37-67 (with Mark DeFond and Robert Trezevant).
  • "Financial statement effects of adopting International Accounting Standards: The case of Germany." (2007). Review of Accounting Studies 12, 623-657 (with K.R. Subramanyam)
  • "Investor protection and corporate governance: Evidence from worldwide CEO turnover." (2004). Journal of Accounting Research 42, 269-312 (with Mark DeFond).
  • "An empirical analysis of analysts' cash flow forecasts." (2003). Journal of Accounting & Economics 35, 73-100 (with Mark DeFond).
  • "Information and trading risks in global investing: An empirical analysis of research location and Pacific mutual fund performance." (2001). Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 12, 1-23.
  • "Accounting standards and value relevance of earnings: An international analysis" (2000) Journal of Accounting & Economics 30, 401-420.


  • Keynote Speaker, Annual conference of China Journal of Accounting Research, 2022.
  • Keynote Speaker, HKU-CBI Conference on the Real Effects of Green Bonds and ESG, 2019.
  • Keynote Speaker, International Conference on Accounting and Finance, 2018, 2019.
  • Keynote Speaker, UQ Business School Accounting and Finance Research Forum, 2013.
  • Senior fellow, Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER), 2022-present.
  • Best Discussant Award, MIT Asia Conference in Accounting, 2015.
  • Best Paper Award, European Accounting Association annual meeting, 2008.
  • Best Paper Prize, Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2007.
  • Finalist, Franklin prize for teaching excellence (MBA required courses), 2017.
  • Dean’s Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2013, 2017.
  • Faculty Teaching Award, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007.
  • MBA Golden Apple Teaching Award, University of Southern California, 2006.
  • Gamma Sigma Alpha Professor of the Year, University of Southern California, 2003.
  • HKUST Institute for Emerging Market Studies Faculty associate. 2013-present.
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong Center for Institutions and Governance Research Fellow, 2007-2012.
  • Research Grant Council - General Research Fund, Principal Investigator, 2016.
  • HKUST IEMS research grant, 2017.
  • HKUST research grant, 2015, 2016.
  • HKUST initiation grant, 2012.
  • Research Grant Council - General Research Fund, Co-Investigation, 2009.
  • Research Grant Council - Earmarked Research Grant, Co-Investigator, 2007.
  • USC U.S. – China Institute Faculty Research Grant, 2007.
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong research grant, Principal Investigator, 2006.
  • USC CIBEAR Grants, PRIME Hong Kong/Shenzhen/Dongguan trip faculty observer, 2007; EMBA China trip faculty observer, 2002; PRIME Tokyo trip faculty observer, 2000.


  • The Economist, Financial Times, CFO.com, Boardmember.com, American Accounting Association (AAA) press release, Financial Accounting Standards Research Initiative (FASRI)


  • Journal of International Business Studies, Editor, 2023-2025
  • The Accounting Review, Editor, 2015-2017
  • Journal of Accounting and Economics, Associate Editor, 2024-2026
  • The Accounting Review, Editorial Board, 2013-2015, 2017-present
  • Journal of International Business Studies, Editorial Board, 2012-2022
  • Journal of International Accounting Research, Editorial Board, 2017-present